Could my expertise be the X-factor that gets you into your dream school?



When it comes to MBA applications

no one size fits all. You are different and unique in your own way. I will work side-by-side with you to present the best you to the admissions committee. Have a look at how I can assist you and if you don't find what you're looking for - get in touch. Let me guide you.

Application Strategizing

Your undergrad major, work experience, extra curricular activities and other aspects, all have to make sense when put together

Application Strategizing

It is essential that you look at your profile holistically as your target business school certainly will. It may be too late to build your profile now but you need to present a congruent profile in your application. Your undergrad major, work experience, extra curricular activities and other aspects, all have to make sense when put together with your target schools and post MBA goals. I can help you craft a winning strategy that will help you not just in getting admission but also in your career.

School Shortlisting

Shortlist the best fit schools for you, based on my extensive database of employment reports, class profile and curriculum of business schools

School Shortlisting

If you’re targeting business schools solely on the basis of rankings or average GMAT score, you are making a mistake! I can help shortlist the best fit schools for you, based on my extensive database of employment reports, class profile and curriculum of business schools from around the world. If you shortlist the right schools, you can not only reduce the number of schools you’re applying to but also ensure a successful result.

Essay Editing

Essay questions are crafted by experts to evaluate your responses based on psychometric parameters.

Essay Editing

A very crucial aspect of your application. Essay questions are crafted by experts to evaluate your responses based on psychometric parameters. This is most likely your first communication with the school and first impressions matter. You have the opportunity to explain your goals and motivations in a compelling manner. I will not write the essays for you but I will guide you on how to approach a certain essay question. I will definitely help you edit them to make your essays superlative.

Resume Editing

Your resume needs certain key action words to grasp readers’ attention. It needs to be properly formatted and sequenced,

Resume Editing

A resume highlights your professional, educational and personal achievements. You need to summarize key points in one page which can be a difficult task. Your resume needs certain key action words to grasp readers’ attention. It needs to be properly formatted and sequenced, some business schools have specific formatting requirements adhere to them. I can help you craft a resume that cuts through jargon and is impactful.

Letters of Recommendation Editing

If you haven’t disclosed your MBA plans in your office yet, you’re not alone! Choosing who to get recommendation from is tricky.

Letters of Recommendation Editing

Most business schools ask for 2 or 3 letters of recommendation which ideally should be from your supervisors. If you haven’t disclosed your MBA plans in your office yet, you’re not alone! Choosing who to get recommendation from is tricky. I can help you zero in on the right person for you. Further, I can also help you populate key points for your letter of recommendation to help your recommender write a good letter and cover all the basics.

Personality Assessment Test

Career Leader’s self assessment tool helps you to understand your interests, skills and motivators better.

Personality Assessment Test

Most business schools will ask you to take this test in the first semester of your program. Career Leader’s self assessment tool helps you to understand your interests, skills and motivators better. It is a very comprehensive report that helps you to understand yourself better so that you make an informed career choice. Learn more about this test here. I believe this tests offers a lot of value and you should take it before you start your application process and embark on your MBA journey.

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₹ 27,500

1 School

Basic Package

It will include the following services

  • Application Strategizing
  • School Shortlisting
  • Essay Editing (Upto 1000 words)
  • Resume Editing
  • Letters of Recommendation Editing
  • School Selection (Post Multiple Offers)
Optional Services
Video Essay Preparation
₹ 5,000
Interview Preparation
₹ 5,000
Interview With School Alumni
₹ 10,000
Personality Assessment Test
At Cost
Social Media Profile Evaluation
₹ 5,000
Is it really FREE? Schedule NOW!

Need help only with essay? Need a custom package? Get in touch

Fit Check

I am a good fit for you if you are:

  • Committed towards the MBA dream
  • Willing to put in the necessary hard work
  • Looking for a true admissions guide


Search & Compare Schools

About Deep

Summit of Wayna Pichu, Peru

Summit of Wayna Pichu, Peru

It all started when...

I began my pursuit of higher education. Having gone through the arduous process of higher education outside India, I understand how daunting the admission process may seem. During this process I realized that there is a huge gap between student expectations and available consulting services. To fill this void, Edu Simplified was founded.

I hold an MBA from Ivey Business School (Canada) and a certificate in Entrepreneurship from Pierre L. Morrissette Institute for Entrepreneurship. I have worked in an eclectic mix of sectors ranging from Coal to Real Estate, eventually finding my true calling in Education.   

I am a firm believer in education and would like to see everyone achieve excellence. Education equips a person with tools to realize his/her true potential. I would be happy to assist you in your pursuit of education. 


Free Consultation

I encourage everyone to take this opportunity and schedule a 30-minute, no obligation, free consultation call. During this call, you can expect to get:

  • Answers to your most pressing questions 
  • Advice on how to choose an admissions consultant
  • Step wise procedure to enroll me as your consultant
  • My take on whether you are a good fit for my services
What's the harm, it's FREE anyway!


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